Part V: Rules > Rule List Groups > Creating a Rule List Group

Rule List Groups

Rule list groups let you select and group individual values from predefined and custom fields. You can define rules based on whether a work item contains one of several values rather than having to define one rule for each value.

You can set up rule list groups for the following data types:

You can define rule list groups to be used in all XTRAC rules except defined search, duplicate search, and work item rules.

Creating a Rule List Group

Note: To define a rule list group, you need the Create and Rule List Group security functions as part of the security group that is associated with your entitlement set.

To define a rule list group

  1. In Feature Explorer, click Rules > Rule List Groups.
  2. In the Rule List Group Summary window, click New.
  3. In the Rule List Group Detail window, in the Name field, type a name for the rule list group (up to 30 characters).

IMPORTANT: After you save the rule list group, you cannot change its name.

  1. In the Description field, type a description for the group (up to 60 characters).
  2. In the Selected Values box, from the Field Name drop-down list box, select the value group field that you to use.

The associated values are listed in the Field Values box.

  1. Select one of more values using standard Windows selection methods, and then click Add.

Note: If the values you select are duplicates of values that are already in the list, XTRAC displays a message to prevent you from adding the duplicate values.

You can also enter the name of the value to add (up to 60 characters) in the Selected Values grid.

Note: Remember to remove any display masks from the values that you enter

  1. (Optional) In the Change Request ID field, type the ID of the change request (up to 30 characters).
  2. (Optional) In the Memo field, type the reason for creating the group (up to 60 characters).
  3. Click Save.

XTRAC saves the new rule list group and you can use it in a rule condition.

Rule Groups Criteria

Rule list groups work with the IN and NOT IN and Contains and Dose Not Contain relational operator criteria. See Using the IN Criteria, Using the NOT IN Criteria, Using the Contains Criteria, and Using the Does Not Contain Criteria.

For example, you may have a Plan custom field that has hundreds of valid values. You want to route work items to a designated transfer queue based on the plan values. To do this, you could set up the following rule list groups that covers multiple values:

Using the IN Criteria

You can create a transfer rule that routes work items that contain one of several plan values to a different queue.

To use the IN criteria

  1. Create a rule list group that contains only the PLAN values that you want to use to route work items to the queue.

See Creating a Rule List Group.

Note: A rule list group can have a maximum of 1,000 values.

  1. Set up the rule condition on the transfer rule.

For example, if Plan Number is IN, the work goes to the QAQ queue.

  1. Set up the transfer rule actions, including selecting the new queue as the transfer destination queue.

When XTRAC determines that a work item field contains a value that is listed in the rule list group, it fires the transfer rule and routes the work item to the new queue.

Using the NOT IN Criteria

You can create a transfer rule that routes work items that do not contain one of several plan values to a different queue.

Important: Rules that contain a NOT IN rule condition fire if the field on the work item is left blank or isn’t touched. If you don’t want the rule to fire for a field that might have a blank value, include a default value on the work item rule for that field.

To use the NOT IN criteria

  1. Create a rule list group that contains the Plan field values that you want to exclude.

See Creating a Rule List Group.

Note: A rule list group can have a maximum of 1,000 values.

  1. Set up the rule condition on the transfer rule.

For example, if Plan Number is NOT IN, the work goes to the QA queue

  1. Set up the transfer rule actions, including selecting the new queue as the transfer destination queue.

When XTRAC determines that a work item field does not contain the values that are listed in the rule list group, it routes the work item to the new queue.

Using the Contains Criteria

You can create a transfer rule that routes work items that contain one of several plan values to a different queue.

To use the Contains criteria

  1. Create a rule list group that contains only the PLAN values that you want to use to route work items to the queue.

See Creating a Rule List Group.

Note: A rule list group can have a maximum of 1,000 values.

  1. Set up the rule condition on the transfer rule.

For example, if Plan Number contains 117, 156, and 876, the work goes to the QAQ queue.

  1. Set up the transfer rule actions, including selecting the new queue as the transfer destination queue.

When XTRAC determines that a work item field contains all of the values in the rule list group, it routes the work item to the new queue.

Using the Does Not Contain Criteria

You can create a transfer rule that routes work items that do not contain one of several plan values to a different queue.

Important: Rules that contain a Does Not Contain rule condition fire if the field on the work item is left blank or isn’t touched. If you don’t want the rule to fire for a field that might have a blank value, include a default value on the work item rule for that field.

To use the Does Not Contain criteria

  1. Create a rule list group that contains the Plan field values that you want to exclude.

See Creating a Rule List Group.

Note: A rule list group can have a maximum of 1,000 values.

  1. Set up the rule condition on the transfer rule.

For example, if Plan Number does not contain 117, 156, and 876, the work goes to the QA queue.

  1. Set up the transfer rule actions, including selecting the new queue as the transfer destination queue.

When XTRAC determines that a work item field does not contain all of the values in the rule list group, it routes the work item to the new queue.

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